How to Meditate: Step-By-Step Guide


When you hear the word meditation, what do you think of? Lots of Oms? Mountain tops? That it’s only for spiritualists and serious practitioners? Think again. Meditation is so much more than that. In fact, meditation can be used by everyone and anyone. And we’re going to show you how. Here is your step-by-step guide to how to meditate. Let’s get going.

What is meditation?

Meditation isn’t magic, and just one session won’t give you ultimate enlightenment. But what meditation will do is help you gain awareness of yourself and your body, and learn how to focus your attention.

The practice of meditation can best be described as a series of techniques that help focus the mind and bring calm to the body.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Newcomers to meditation often find it difficult to justify or set time aside for themselves, and wonder “why do I need to meditate? Isn’t chilling out with a TV series good enough for relaxing my mind?” While kicking back and enjoying the latest episode of your favorite series is great for relaxation, meditation is so much more than that. Here are some of the benefits of meditation.

meditation catBenefits of meditation:

  • Meditation reduces stress-related inflammation—and this is scientifically proven. Stress causes inflammation in the body. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, reduce post-stress inflammation, allowing the body to recover and stay healthier overall.
  • It also helps lower and controls anxiety levels. No one likes to feel anxious. Even worse, anxiety can majorly impact our day-to-day lives and cause performance issues at work. Meditation can lower anxiety levels, giving you more control over your life and mind. Check out the research here.
  • Meditation boosts your ability to focus—in just 4 days. Studies show it’s not just thinking about meditating but actually taking the time out of your day to do, so that really gives the benefits. Increased focus is one of them. And if you’re wondering how long it’ll take to start seeing the benefits of meditation? The answer—just 4 days.
  • Helps you sleep better. After a long, busy day, you may find your brain is stuck on the “on” switch. Meditation helps you to switch off and relax. But not only that. Even those who practice meditation throughout the day find an improved quality of sleep at night. That’s why, if you have insomnia or other sleep issues, it’s time to try meditation.
  • Meditation can reduce blood pressure levels. Stress, a poor diet, and lack of exercise, alongside contributing genetic factors, can put you at risk of high blood pressure, and this is detrimental to your health. High blood pressure has been linked to kidney disease, heart attacks, and strokes. That’s why it’s vital you look after yours. Meditation is one way of reducing blood pressure and bringing balance to the body. Here’s the science.

How to meditate (free video guide)

Getting started in meditation can be challenging. After all, it might look from the outside like you’re just relaxing. Watch our video guide to get to grips on the basics of meditation, or head on over to our YouTube to see this and more helpful videos.

Video not your style? Here’s a short transcription of what’s in the video.

  1. First things first, open the app and find a guided meditation to suit your mood. Alternatively, if you’d like to freestyle it, you can try out our nature sounds.
  2. Now, let’s begin. Get yourself in a comfortable position. You can sit or lie down, whichever works best for you.
  3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in. Fill your lungs, and then breathe out.
  4. Continue breathing naturally, in and out.
  5. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage, and belly. Simply focus your attention on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity. If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.

And that’s it! You’re done. Getting started in meditation is simple when you have the right tool at your fingertips.

Learn to meditate FAQ

Got questions? We’ve got the answers. This is our quick FAQ about meditation. Something we haven’t covered? Write us and let us know.


How long should I meditate for to get results?

Session one of meditation is done. But when can you start to see results? Studies show that with daily practice, you can see the benefits of meditation in as little as four days! That’s great news. But how long should you meditate each time to get there. According to research, taking just 10 minutes out of your day to meditate will get you results. 20 minutes is better, of course, but if you don’t have the time or are struggling, then just 10 minutes of inner peace will do.

What does meditation feel like?

If you’re just starting out, you might wonder, “what am I supposed to be feeling?” and “is my meditation working?” The truth is, that almost every person who meditates will feel something different. Some describe it as peace, others like a breath of fresh air, and some have trouble getting their mind to be “still” for even a second. All this is normal, and your meditation experience will be as unique as you are. For more info on what does meditation feel like, check out our article, right here.

Can you meditate lying down?

For most types of meditation, posture or how you are sitting or lying won’t play a huge role in the overall experience. What’s important is that you are comfortable. Some people prefer to meditate in the traditional Lotus pose as this helps them concentrate and draw in deeper breaths. Others find meditation lying down to be the perfect pose for relaxation. Unless you are following a specific instruction, do what is right for you.

What’s the best music to meditate to? And where can I find meditation music?

Music, sounds, stories, or even silence. When it comes to meditation, the sound around you matters. Sounds and music can impact your experience and help you focus your mind for a deeper meditation. To get started in meditation, you can use to listen to meditations and meditation music direct in the app or even check out some free samples in our article over here.


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