The FDA Authorized Vanilla-Flavored Panties to Protect Against STIs During Oral


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In what could be a major win for safer sex, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a brand of underwear to be considered protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. On Thursday, the agency confirmed that Lorals panties adequately protect against infections that can be transmitted from the vagina and anus. And yes, they’re vanilla flavored and scented.

“This [Lorals] underwear is a unique innovation that will hopefully encourage more people to stay safe and protected while practicing oral sex,” Amy Roskin, M.D., ob-gyn and chief medical officer at Favor tells Shape. Oral sex of any kind carries with it some level of risk for STIs, so it’s vital to have protective measures on hand, notes Dr. Roskin. “I think if people prefer using [Lorals panties] to a dental dam, then it’s an important advance in the fight to prevent the spread of STIs,” she adds. BTW, rates of STIs are on the rise in the U.S, according to the CDC.

With a price tag of $25 for a four-pack, Lorals FDA-authorized panties are still pricier than the average dental dam, which typically costs between $10 and $15 for a pack of 20 to 36. As for whether or not they’ll catch on remains to be determined.


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