How and Why the Coronavirus Pandemic Might Be Messing with Your Memory


How and Why the Coronavirus Pandemic Might Be Messing with Your Memory , Girl photographed through splatter of ink

Have you noticed that your memory isn't quite as sharp as it once was? Feeling like your brain is in a constant fog and you're having difficulty remembering what day it is or if you actually turned off the stove? Well, you're not alone – and the pandemic could be (at least, partially) to blame.


The pandemic saw an increase in people experiencing depression, including a difference from the early stages of the pandemic compared to later stages in 2021. A study done by The Lancet Regional Health-Americas found that 32.8 percent of adults experienced higher levels of depression symptoms in 2021, compared to 27.8 percent of adults in the early months of the pandemic in 2020 and 8.5 percent before the pandemic.

Dr. Thawani suggests seeing a doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist if you are experiencing symptoms of depression — pandemic-related or otherwise. “Anytime someone comes in; young or old, and is complaining of cognitive issues, neurologists should be screening for depression,” she explains. “In regard to COVID, if it’s depression related to the pandemic, you could see memory issues.” Depression is very complex and can make it difficult to focus on work, make decisions, or even think clearly. These aspects can have an effect on how well you function, including your memory.

How Long Can Situational Memory Loss Last?

Though I was concerned that my own memory loss could be long-term, Dr. Thawani assured me that’s not always the case. Memory can go back to normal for some people and for others, it may persist, she says. It should be noted that memory loss recovery depends on what type of memory loss you have, and if/when you seek treatment. She also adds that how you recover from memory loss depends on how you address the underlying issues, such as getting checked for depression or dementia, for example. Ask yourself, “Are you seeking mental health care?” she says. “Are you making a point to exercise? Are you making a point to reduce your alcohol consumption or other substances that can disrupt your sleep or have side effects related to cognitive issues?”

In the meantime, what can you do to support your memory? I personally find some “me time” can work wonders for my recall — whether I’m catching up with a good book, doing a puzzle, or taking a long walk outside. And Dr. Thawani agrees; she recommends making time for self-care and trying to get a good night’s sleep. Although these suggestions can help some people, you should reach out to your doctor if you’re concerned about your memory loss or if symptoms worsen.

As with routines, you’ve likely had to adjust your social life as well. Even though a Zoom happy hour can work wonders, there is something to be said for live and in-person social engagement — all within the safety regulations, of course. The CDC recommends that even fully vaccinated people should continue to wear masks indoors in public areas to reduce the risk of being infected with the Omicron variant. Dr. Thawani encourages people to re-engage as much as possible in their pre-COVID routine. “For young healthy adults, there is something to be said for social interactions, but the pandemic makes that tricky, even with more people now vaccinated,” she says. “Take a walk with a friend, six feet apart with your masks on. This is all very important and is good for public health — not just from the infection standpoint — but for mental health and social engagement.”

Many of the activities people engaged in pre-pandemic are just the things that kept your mind sharp, such as social interactions with friends, trips to the gym, or participating in a yoga class. There are ways to continue these activities, all while continuing to practice proper safety measures. Hopefully, once the pandemic is over, your minds and memory will be ready for whatever life throws your way.


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