Why Everyone Should Be Doing Calisthenics Workouts


a woman holding a bar preparing to do a pull-up calisthenics exercise

Does "calisthenics" make you think of military basic training — or people in retro tracksuits doing push-ups during gym class? Same. For whatever reason, in the modern-day era of exercise trends and boutique studios, the word "calisthenics" has gotten left a few decades behind.

Improves Brain-Body Connection

"Calisthenics training develops those fine motor skills that require your brain to work hard as well as your body," says Major. "Coordination, speed, power, acceleration, strength, quickness, and agility are all actions that are demonstrated by a body trained in the art of calisthenics," he continues. Think of a gymnast: It takes a lot of strength, flexibility, and stamina to perform those movements, not to mention unbelievable coordination, points out Calabrese.

Makes You Feel Like a Badass

Yes, really. "There is an unmistakable swagger about someone who knows that they have total control over their body," says Major. Truth: Executing a super heavy deadlift or hoisting a massive kettlebell overhead can make you feel super badass, but so does banging out plyo push-ups or being able to pull off a one-arm pull-up.

Examples of Calisthenics Exercises

The options are endless, but if you’re just starting out, it’s crucial to get these calisthenics movements down pat before you try to progress. (Also: The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Getting Fit Anywhere)

Calisthenics Exercises for Beginners:

Advanced Calisthenics Exercises:

Calisthenics Workouts for Beginners to Try:


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