Watch Chelsea Handler Nail a Set of Trap Bar Deadlifts


Headshot of Chelsea Handler

Based on all of the videos circulating on social media of Chelsea Handler working out — she’s recently shared clips of her nailing an impressive ab roll-out variation and a single-leg body saw — you’d never guess that she wasn’t always a fan of hitting the gym. But the 47-year-old comedian shared that she did in fact have a change of heart.

While lifting weights may seem intimidating, there are loads of benefits to incorporating the practice into your fitness routine, as Handler can surely confirm. Lifting weights can help build muscle, strengthen bones, burn calories, prevent injuries, increase flexibility, and promote heart health. (ICYMI, Victoria Beckham has also been getting more comfortable with weight lifting.)

And if you’re worried about getting “bulky” from lifting weights, think again. “Lifting heavy weights is a great way to get the shape of the body that you may be seeking,” Jacque Crockford, C.S.C.S., spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, previously told Shape, addressing the misconception that the practice always causes lifters to bulk up. “If you’re simply looking to improve overall shape of your body and improve your body composition, then lifting weights is also a very important component of a well-rounded fitness program,” she added.

Handler's latest social media post is proof that you can learn to love working out with the right program and trainer. If you're not enjoying you current fitness routine, take this as a sign to change things up, because exercising can be tough at times, but should be fun too.


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