Kate Hudson Just Made a Tough Pilates Move Look Easy — Here's How to Try It at Home


Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson has a history of inspiring some serious sweat envy on social media, whether she’s doing a suspended plank pose or pushing a sled like it’s NBD. The actress recently showed off her impressive Pilates skills in a video on TikTok, low key defying the laws of gravity and making a tough core move look downright easy. (Remember that booty-burning workout she did in Greece? Yeah, exactly.)

Curious to reap the benefits of Pilates for yourself? If you don’t have access to a Pilates studio or at-home reformer, don’t fret. You can mimic the move Hudson demonstrated at home with a few key pieces of equipment you likely already have on hand.

"Someone could recreate this move at home by placing a yoga ball under their feet in a plank position, pressing down through their hands and feet, lifting their hips up, keeping their legs straight, creating a pike," says O'Leary. "This can also be done with a foam roller instead of a yoga ball or something like a small towel under your toes on a smooth surface."

Stefan recommends wearing socks and using sliding disks on a wood floor or another surface you can slide on to challenge the same muscles as Hudson. “Come into a plank position, stabilize the shoulders, and use your core to slide the legs in and out,” she says.

Feeling inspired? Give the move a try at home if you’re already experienced in these Pilates exercises, or sign up for a class to begin learning the foundations from a pro. (Next up: Check out this all-inclusive guide to Pilates.)


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