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6 Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep can be a challenge, especially with the speed and variables of modern life. Artificial

How the Whole Life Challenge Can Help You Find “The New Healthy”

For many of us, managing our health the way we’re used to is so last year. Literally.  With everything that’s been going

What the Year of the Metal Ox Could Mean for You

2020 was the Chinese year of the rat. Filled with anxiety and strife, we scurried for safety and security in a series of

8 Healthy Protein Sources (for When You’re Sick and Tired of Chicken)

Are you tired of eating the same egg scramble for breakfast, chicken for lunch, and pork chops for dinner? You care abou

Is the National Pro Fitness League the Next Big Sport?

If you haven't heard of the National Pro Fitness League (NPFL) yet, chances are you will soon: The new sport is poised t