Andy’s Morning Mobility Routine: 2 Follow-Along Videos

Today Im going to talk you through my own personal morning mobility sequence. I have a short version and a long version,

How to Do an Amazing Upper Back and Shoulder Stretch

If you are dealing with chronic tension in the upper back and shoulders, give this upper back and shoulder stretch a try

What You Need to Know About Ankle Mobility and Your Heart

I bet you never thought your heart and your ankle mobility could be connected. It’s a little-known fact, but poor ankle

Everything You Need to Know About Baby Goat Yoga

Lately, a new trend has taken the yoga world by storm: baby goat yoga. Also known as caprine vinyasa, baby goat yoga has

Explore the World of Yoga: 6 Free Brett Larkin Videos

NOTE: The practices we share we with you are simply an example of the many ways that WLC game players can accomplish the

Leg Strength: 10-Minute Follow Along Yoga Flow with Sima

Welcome to my eight-part yoga flow series! Each of these videos will be presented in a follow along format, so all you h

What You Need to Know About Knee Pain and Your Patellar...

For those of us who train regularly, knee pain can be a source of aggravation. It results in needing to modify your trai

How to Prevent Low Back Pain with 3 Simple Mobility Practices

About 80% of adults in the U.S. experience some sort of low back pain in their lives and many of them suffer from chroni

3 Simple Seated Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk

The three simple seated stretches demonstrated in this video — pelvic tilts, heel-toe raises, and seated twists — can be

How to Twist Your Way to Better Posture

In this exercise, we are going to create better posture as we mobilize the thoracic spine, the portion of your spine fro

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Mud is Not a Four-letter Word

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What could sound simpler: just right – left, right – left. However, it’s neither easy nor enjoyable if legs feel heavy w

How to Boost Your Immune System: Part 1, Nutrition

I want to talk about a slightly different take on being healthy than we normally do. It’s always in there, but I want to