Core Power: 10-Minute Follow Along Yoga Flow with Sima

Welcome to my eight-part yoga flow series! Each of these videos will be presented in a follow along format, so all you h

5 Easy Yoga Poses That Will Revitalize Your Tight Hips

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. — Alan Watts Imagine wh

14 Free Tune Up Fitness Videos: Follow Along with Jill Miller

NOTE: The practices we share we with you are simply an example of the many ways that WLC game players can accomplish the

How to Unstick Your Chronically Tight Hamstrings

If you have been stuck with chronically tight hamstrings, and you have been stretching and not seeing results — you may

How to Build Back Strength and Better Posture by Sitting Still

The exercise I’m teaching you today is known as “sitting floor.” This exercise strengthens the muscles of your back that

How to Mobilize Daily and Why it’s Important

Adding mobility to your daily routine is as good for you as clean eating and regular sleep. Mobility is not just for “hi

3 Standing Exercises to Boost the Health of Your Workday

The three standing exercises demonstrated in this video — standing gluteal contractions, standing shoulder stretch, and

Mobility for Lifters: How to Warm Up, Cool Down, and Lift...

When done properly, weight training puts a healthy stress on your muscles, connective tissues, nervous system, and skele

5 Types of Yoga That Make You Strong, Flexible, and Stress...

Yoga has been around for centuries. For many, it is a both a physical exercise and a spiritual practice. In the United S

Relieve Your Wrist and Forearm Pain with Mobility Exercises

In this modern age, tight wrists and forearms are standard issue to all of us who use our hands for work. This tightness

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