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This Is What Happens When You Become a Dad

Think you’ve figured life out? Think you know how to be productive on a few hours of sleep? Becoming a new dad will make you question everything. Here’s how to embrace the joys and challenges that com

Walking for Fitness

Walking is a great way to increase your fitness level. Learn how to boost the intensity of your walks so you get the full benefits of this whole-body exercise.Move more. This mantra of so many physica

Why Americans Are Saying “Yes!” To the Great Outdoors

In 2021, going out is the new staying in. But forget about the dance floor, the late nights, and lack of sleep. The goin

Core Power

Contrary to popular belief, crunches aren\'t the only way to tone the core muscles. Our exercises work all your abdominal muscles to tone your torso.Call it a spare tire, mummy tummy, beer belly, or mu