Night or Day—Finding the Best Time for Meditation Practice

If you are reading this, you’re most probably asking yourself the inevitable question: ‘What is the best time of day to

Why Managing OCD During the Pandemic so Tough

The coronavirus crisis has been tough on everyone. Our lives have turned upside down, and this has had long-lasting repe

Where Does ‘Yoga Is Boring’ Myth Come From?

“Yoga is so slow”, “Yoga is boring and dull” - I’ve heard this both from my dear friends and random acquaintances so man

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Best Stress Resistance Techniques for Work & Life

Today, we are more chronically stressed than ever before. In a study by the CDC, a total of 71% of adults reported feeli

What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck in Your Own Life

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Raja Yoga Meditation Might Be Just What Your Mind Needs

It's hard to overemphasize the multitude of perks that come from meditation practice. But just like with any other addit

Patience in Strong Relationships Is Just as Critical as Love

We tend to idealize our romantic relations in that we place a lot of emphasis on love and physical attraction. But soon

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