Plant-Powered Healing

Going green for long-term health benefits has never been easier. By including a bountiful array of nutrient-dense green foods, more energy and vitality can be yours. So which greens are best, and how

Is Your Gut Happy?

More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive issues each year. Now that the holiday festive season is a wrap, we’re wondering: how’s your gut doing? We have some ideas that might make it happi

Cannabis 101

With recreational cannabis being legal in Canada, public interest in it is at an all-time high. Yet, there are nuances to navigate within this new era of permitted pot. Here, we take you through canna

A Natural Guide to Caring for Your Body After Baby

The postpartum stage, or the “fourth trimester,” is a time of development for your newborn, and for you too. Your body can go through changes, both physically and mentally, that may be foreign to you.

How to Put a Stop to Snoring—Naturally

Quiet things down in the bedroom. For you, and for your partner. It is paradise to feel a romantic and emotional attachment to your partner so intense that it seems they send a quiver through your ver

Powerful Lessons from a Canadian Athlete’s Journey to the Olympics

She trained her entire life for the Olympics, but a storm drowned her dreams of winning gold. Today, this three-time Olympian and two-time world champion is helping women use mindfulness and intention

Your brain on… air pollution?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. Those health effects directly related to air pollution include lung cancer, stroke, heart diseas

Why Gender Can Matter When It Comes to Health

Can you have as much wine with dinner as your male partner or go to bed as late as he does—but without any extra adverse consequences? Short answer: no. Far from creating endless sex difference polemi

Embracing failure to find success

Is a fear or failing getting you down? Is the pursuit of “perfect” punishing? To understand the pitfalls of perfectionism, the impacts of fearing failure, and the gifts of focusing on the journey rath

The Top 9 Antiviral Essential Oils

Many people run to their doctor at the first sign of a cold or flu, demanding a prescription for antibiotics. But antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, which are the true cause

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