Sport-Related Concussions

We’re slowly coming to recognize that concussions are more than just a knock to the head. We owe it to ourselves, the weekend warriors and parents of young athletes, to stay up to date with the latest

Are Your Children Mentally Prepped?

When it comes to the well-being of our children, there isn’t much we wouldn’t do. We deliberate over what we feed them, where it comes from, and how it’s prepared. We consider how much exercise, scree

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

At the end of a long, contemplative winter, you might be itching to clean out the garage or organize your shed—standard spring cleaning activities. On the other hand, you may have spent the past few m

Top 6 Kids’ Vitamins and Minerals

Most kids have their share of likes and dislikes when it comes to food. But as long as they’re getting the basic nutrients (with a little help from an easily digestible multi), they’re doing all right

How to Create More Time (Just in Time for the Holidays)

How could another year possibly be coming to a close? I mean, it feels like I just had a birthday…in June. Remember how,


Wistful thoughts of warm summer sunshine and long days of outdoor fun often crowd our minds during the darker days of winter. But that feeling of longing isn’t unusual, or necessarily concerning. What

Your brain on… air pollution?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. Those health effects directly related to air pollution include lung cancer, stroke, heart diseas

7 Ways the Whole Life Challenge Can Reduce Stress and Build...

“I’m stressed.” For most of us, stress was something that used to just come and go. We expected a certain amount of it a

How to Put a Stop to Snoring—Naturally

Quiet things down in the bedroom. For you, and for your partner. It is paradise to feel a romantic and emotional attachment to your partner so intense that it seems they send a quiver through your ver

Get Festive Without the Guilt

The battle of the holiday bulge is a well-worn cliché, but the same cycle of fun, frivolity, and indulgence almost inevitably brings the familiar remorse when we step on the scales in the New Year. Tr

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Facial clay

Standard clay can be drying to the hands. Not so with facial clay, when you apply it to your face in conjunction with essential oils. Facial clay absorbs clogging oils and deposits beneficial minerals

Go Zero Waste

How much garbage do you generate? What about recycling or food waste? The Zero Waste movement is swiftly picking up momentum around the world, prompting people to rethink plastic, packaging, and consu

These No-Equipment Boxing Classes Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research

Today marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The month of October provides an opportunity for organizatio

Echinacea For Children

A 2016 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics found that children’s guts can take at least a year—sometimes two—to recover from one course of antibiotics. Fortunately, the

Feeding the Brain

“You can’t wink your eye without nutrients being involved, never mind think, remember, learn, or sleep.” So says brain expert Aileen Burford-Mason, author of The Healthy Brain: Optimize Brain Power at