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How Joey King Broke Her Deadlift Personal Record, According to Her Trainer

Joey King is proof that strength training is all about mastering the basics. The actress known for her role in The Kissi

How Your Sleep Schedule Affects Your Weight Gain and Disease Risk

Why would you ever wake up earlier than you need to on a Saturday? Here's one reason: Sleeping in on the weekends can in

Your Friends Appreciate a Random Check-In Call or Text More Than You Realize

Sometimes it feels like maintaining friendships has never been as complicated as it is right now, despite constant acces

What Everyone Needs to Know About HIV

HIV may be the story line of your favorite movies (Bohemian Rhapsody, Dallas Buyers Club, Philadelphia, Rent). But unfor

New Year, New You: Powerful Gratitude Meditations

Somewhere between Christmas and New Year, it can seem that time as we know it ceases to exist. Christmas magic still lin