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How to Do Better at Eating (Those Crazy) Winter Vegetables

When the weather turns cold and winter buries us under snow and ice, it can be hard to get excited about seasonal vegeta

'Former Insomniac' Diane Macedo Shares the Practices That Help Her Score a Good Night's...

Diane Macedo has long described herself as an innately "bad sleeper." For years, the ABC News anchor says she struggled

Can Drinking Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?

If you're trying to lose weight, making simple changes to your lifestyle, such as heading outdoors for longer walks, red

How Discovering Reformer Pilates Finally Helped My Back Pain

On a typical summer Friday in 2019, I came home from a long day of work, power walked on the treadmill, ate a bowl of pa

What Is Trauma Bonding In a Relationship?

In my opinion, the phrase "trauma bonding" is one of those psychological concepts (such as attachment styles and gasligh