The Relationship Between Birth Control and Hair Loss

When you're ready to switch up your current method of contraception, you've probably been told to expect an uncomfy, unw

The Birth Control Side Effects to Know for Each Type of...

Back in middle school, you may have heard rumors that your best friends older sister suffered severe cramps for months a

Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Isn't the Future—It's Here

A scary fact: STDs have been on the rise since 2014, despite all the awareness surrounding the importance of safe sex. M

Here's Your Crib Sheet On Chlamydia, the Most Common Bacterial STI

Chlamydia, like other sexually transmitted infections, has long been stigmatized, with discussions about it relegated to

Can Birth Control Make You Tired?

When you're initially chatting with your doc about the best choice of birth control for you, they will likely run throug

Here's What You Need to Know About Getting Emergency Contraception Right...

Last week's Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade — the landmark 1973 case that federally protected a person's

Can You Get Pregnant with an IUD?

Whether youre going on birth control for the very first time or are looking to switch up your contraception, you probabl

What Everyone Needs to Know About HIV

HIV may be the story line of your favorite movies (Bohemian Rhapsody, Dallas Buyers Club, Philadelphia, Rent). But unfor

Everything You Should Know About HPV That You Weren't Taught In...

Unless your Google calendar says you've got an upcoming Pap test or HPV vaccine appointment, odds are you aren't activel

I'm an Ob-gyn — Here's What I Think About the Possibility...

In case you missed it, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just received its first application from a company, H

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