Awakened Athleticism

The benefits of mindfulness practices are many—greater calm, improved sleep, and uplifted mood—but did you know athletic performance can also be enhanced? Read on to learn more about upping and ground

Top 6 Kids’ Vitamins and Minerals

Most kids have their share of likes and dislikes when it comes to food. But as long as they’re getting the basic nutrients (with a little help from an easily digestible multi), they’re doing all right

Stop and Smell the Roses

We’re all familiar with the feeling that time’s flying by. And it’s also possible you’ve found yourself wondering how you could ever slow time down. If this sounds like you, read on for some timely ad

Are Your Children Mentally Prepped?

When it comes to the well-being of our children, there isn’t much we wouldn’t do. We deliberate over what we feed them, where it comes from, and how it’s prepared. We consider how much exercise, scree

Matters of the Mind

From your joints to your gut flora, you’ve got your physical health covered. But have you thought about protecting your mind? Learn about four mental health concerns, your susceptibility to them, and

Echinacea For Children

A 2016 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics found that children’s guts can take at least a year—sometimes two—to recover from one course of antibiotics. Fortunately, the

Dietary Faux Pas

We all like to think we’re well educated, that we make good choices when it comes to healthy eating. But, like so much in our lives these days, eating healthy can get downright complicated. Check out

What To Do About Colds and Flu

We all know they’re lurking ... those dreaded cold and flu bugs. With every back-to-school season, we face the inevitability of cold-and-flu season. Here’s a primer to arm yourself against the onslaug

DIY Stress-Busters

Are you drowning in oceans of to-do lists, frustrating interruptions, and low energy? Look no further. Research shows that creative activities—like spiralling inward, digging a little dirt, and cuttin

The Meaning of Dreaming

Are your dreams hazy and hard to recall? Or funny and unforgettable? Ever tried to make sense of a bizarre dream? Read on to learn about the inner workings of dreams and their connection to well-being

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