Resistance for Your Health

Resistance exercise may be the key to keeping our brains healthy and fully functioning as we age. Learn how to exercise to improve brain acuity. As a fitness instructor I am often asked by my students

You, Exercise, and Diabetes

Exercise can help diabetics keep their blood glucose levels under control. A balance of cardio and resistance training is beneficial to everyone, diabetic or not.Today more than 9 million Canadians ar

Exercise Safely this Summer

The heat is on! Before you head outdoors into the sun, humidity, and smog, learn how to exercise safely to avoid overexertion during the dog days of summer.Summer is here! Don’t let summer smog and sw

Quick Fit for Tweens and Teens

Too much screen time and not enough physical activity is taking its toll on teens and tweens. Do our quick fit exercises with your kids to steer them onto the road to fitness.The 2012 Active Healthy K

Tai Chi and Health

Over the last 20 years you may have noticed the emergence of early morning tai chi practices in your neighbourhood parks, beaches, and open spaces. Tai chi’s popularity is growing rapidly, largely due

Walking for Fitness

Walking is a great way to increase your fitness level. Learn how to boost the intensity of your walks so you get the full benefits of this whole-body exercise.Move more. This mantra of so many physica

10 Minute Sweat Session

Short on time? Time isn\'t an issue when it comes to being fit. Our 10 minute workouts fit into those few extra minutes we can all find in our day.It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes

Proper Exercise Technique

If you don\'t use proper exercise technique when working out, you run the risk of injury. Our safety tips will ensure you have a fun - and a safe - workout.Loud grunting. Sweat left on benches. Chattin

12 Months of Wellness

This month in our 12 Months of Wellness series, we\'re focusing on fitness. It\'s easy to move more. Make fitness a priority, set measurable goals, and try strength training.We’re well into the best yea

Winter Running

Winter running - the two words sound incompatible, but with proper planning and winter running gear, runners don\'t have to hang up their sneakers just because it\'s cold outside.In most parts of Canada

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