Choose a Personal Trainer

You want to get fit. A personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals. But what questions should you ask someone you want to hire as a personal trainer?Working out with a personal trainer is

Best High BMI Exercises For You + Extra Weight-Loss Tips

No need to hit the ground running. Sometimes the best way to lose weight and keep it off long-term is the slow and stead

This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet...

When you're first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how

Celebrate National Dance Day With Celeb Dance Moves That Get You...

July 30th is National Dance Day! We all know that dancing is a fabulous way to tone up and slim down. But, according to

The 10 Biggest Fitness Trends for 2015

2014 was the year that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise peaked-last year it topped the American College

The Sensuality of Salsa

Salsa dancing provides many benefits, including a total body workout, toned muscles, improved balance - and it can even spice up your love life.“Every dance with someone is a conversation,” says Danny

See How Alicia Keys Works Out to Prepare for Her Upcoming...

Alicia Keys is gearing up for a world tour kicking off this month. If you're curious how she's preparing physically for

Should You Start Walking Backward On the Treadmill?

Social media can be a goldmine for legit, trainer-approved fitness hacks and how-tos that help you step up your workout

Yoga for Sound Slumber

Having trouble sleeping? Before you spend another night tossing and turning, try doing these yoga poses and deep breathing exercises before going to bed.Those who suffer from insomnia are familiar wit

8 Must-Have Survival Tips for Running In Hot Weather

Committing to your running routine is easy when the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and theres a slight breeze to

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Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in Canada. Yet it also seems to be one of the most poorly understood, with people’s knowledge of risk factors and complications being surprisingly l

This Resistance Band Trick Will Teach You How to Properly Engage Your Core

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Walking is a great way to increase your fitness level. Learn how to boost the intensity of your walks so you get the full benefits of this whole-body exercise.Move more. This mantra of so many physica

10 Exercise Benefits for Men

Men, turn off the game on TV, and enjoy the many benefits of exercise. It improves cardiovascular health, prevents cancer and diabetes, and boosts your sex life.Listing the benefits of exercise sounds

The Complete Guide to AMRAP Workouts

If you have a running list of vague fitness jargon (think: EMOM, WOD, HIIT, EPOC) and their definitions in your Notes ap