Benefits of Speed Walking: Walk Briskly, Be Strong

Walking so fast you’re out of breath, sounds like something best saved for when you’re running late. However, scientists

Morning, Noon, Or Night––When Is the Best Time to Work Out?

You might have heard that an early morning run is the key to getting fit, but is this a fact? Let’s discover when is the

Walking Addict? Here’s What to Do About Those Sore Feet

There is almost nothing worse than sore feet. We need those little pinkies for nearly everything. Want to get a drink fr

The Best Workouts You Can Do When You Don’t Have Any...

The gym’s closed, it’s too far, you’re out of cash; whatever the reason, it doesn’t need to keep you from working out. Y

Sore Muscle After Your Workout: Here’s Why and What to Do

Workout? Check! You went to the gym, you pushed yourself to your limits, you got that happy-hormone boost and you’re fee

Health Tech: Are Fitness Trackers Worth the Money?

FitBit, Garmin, Honor, Xiaomi, if you've been Googling fitness trackers lately, you've probably heard all these names an

Post-Christmas Dinner Workout: Boost Your Health this Holiday

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I bet you sang that, didn’t you? I know I sure did. Christmas is a time for ch

A Simple Guide to Programming Small Group Training Exercises

What are the newest trends and discoveries in the fitness world? Small group training exercises are increasingly gaining

Best Fat-Burning Tips for Runners

It happens to the best of us. You’ve put in the time, the hard work, but the weight just isn’t shifting. The question is

Glycogen Depletion: Good Results if Workout is Done with Care

So you’ve been exercising for quite a while. You sleep better, feel stronger and everyone notices your heightened confid

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