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Volha Zaitsava


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How to Break up Your Workday with a Simple Total Body Reset

If you work at a desk or sit for long periods, breaking up your workday with frequent movement is one of the most import

Go Zero Waste

How much garbage do you generate? What about recycling or food waste? The Zero Waste movement is swiftly picking up momentum around the world, prompting people to rethink plastic, packaging, and consu

How to Use Time Under Tension to Build Muscular Strength

At some point in your fitness journey, there's a good chance you'll max out the dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight plates

Losing Sleep Over Menopause: Reasons and Actions

When it comes to menopause, there is no script of how things should go down. For many women, symptoms range from hot fla

How to Prevent Butt Soreness and Vulvar Pain While Cycling

When you go a few weeks or months without hitting up a particular class or type of workout, there are bound to be a few