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Tim Tebeau


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Your Quadratus Lumborum and Back Pain: What You Need to Know

The quadratus lumborum, or QL, is a key piece of your core. While technically an abdominal muscle, the QL is located dee

10 Foods That Help with Bloating

Surely youve heard of drinking lemon water for bloating, but there are many foods that can help with the issue as well.

The Heart Does Not Age

Despite the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s and ’70s, sex among the aging population remains a topic of embarrassment for many. One Frenchwoman\'s new book leads the charge for a new, age-positive rev

How to Unstick Your Chronically Tight Hamstrings

If you have been stuck with chronically tight hamstrings, and you have been stretching and not seeing results — you may

Stop and Smell the Roses

We’re all familiar with the feeling that time’s flying by. And it’s also possible you’ve found yourself wondering how you could ever slow time down. If this sounds like you, read on for some timely ad