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Stephanie Dickison


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This Is What Modern Farming Can Look Like

“One day, I’m going to live on a farm,” Lisa Lloyd promised herself. So she packed up her three children and set out to make that dream a reality. Today, this little idea has sprouted into something s

7 Reasons You Should Book a Fit-cation to a Ski Town This Summer

Off-season, ski resorts are less expensive and less crowded—and the perfect destination for healthy travelHit Up Healthy

The Surprising Power of “Girl Gangs”

Women’s circles aren’t “just” about spiritual growth, emotional healing, social connection, intellectual stimulation, professional success, artistic expression, or physical health! They’re about all o

11 Heavenly Hot Chocolate Recipes

With recipes that range from healthy to plain delicious, enjoy a cup of cocoa to stay warm and satisfy your sweet tooth

Pick Up Your Paintbrush

Painting. Knitting. Gardening. Cooking. Crafting. Creative activities are not just pleasurable pastimes; it turns out they’re good for us! Creative outlets relieve stress, improve mood, and cultivate