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Megan Falk


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Cosmetic Caution

Did you know that the cosmetics you use could also be putting your health at risk? Unfortunately, many toxic chemicals can be found in beauty products.They add a healthy hue to your cheeks, a sun-kiss

These Dinner Recipes Bring Out the Best of Fall Vegetables

Falls best vegetables — think: gorgeous orange-hued squash and beautiful red-purple beets — are brilliantly vibrant and

Crab and Shrimp-Stuffed Avocados

If you like to sleep in on the weekends and eat brunch instead of breakfast, this recipe is for you. You can whip up these scrumptious avocados the night before as long as you brush the cut edges with

The Best Meditation Apps for Beginners

You want to get zen, but you have no idea how to start, and thats stressing you out. Ironic, huh? These meditation apps

A Natural Guide to Caring for Your Body After Baby

The postpartum stage, or the “fourth trimester,” is a time of development for your newborn, and for you too. Your body can go through changes, both physically and mentally, that may be foreign to you.