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Marisa Cohen


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Powerful Lessons from a Canadian Athlete’s Journey to the Olympics

She trained her entire life for the Olympics, but a storm drowned her dreams of winning gold. Today, this three-time Olympian and two-time world champion is helping women use mindfulness and intention

The Complete Guide to AMRAP Workouts

If you have a running list of vague fitness jargon (think: EMOM, WOD, HIIT, EPOC) and their definitions in your Notes ap

These Sheet-Pan Meals Make Clean-Up a Breeze

Sheet-pan meals are the low-effort, high-reward way to cook a healthy dinner in a short amount of time.Salmon and Acorn

5 Ways Tech Can Help With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Its that time again! Time to create resolutions — and then forget about them before Valentine’s Day. But, it doesn’t hav

Multipurpose Garlicky Broth

There’s nothing more alluring than the scent of garlic emanating from the kitchen. And in winter, garlic-enriched foods are even more important to our well-being. There are a multitude of reasons to e