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Lindsey Murray


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Facing the New Year

What’s this? A miner’s headlamp on your forehead? You’ve just awakened to find a giant pimple there, and you know your skin was clear the night before. And it would appear on the same day as the big d

Here's What's Wrong with the 'Healthy Coke' TikTok Trend, According to Nutritionists

TikTok just introduced yet another buzzy and controversial trend that's taking the internet by storm. Its latest viral m

How to Eat All the Chocolate You Can and Still Be Healthy

I’m sure if I asked most people what their top favorite treats are, their list wouldn’t read, “Boiled lettuce wraps, pla

Delicious Mini Zesty Date Cakes

The beauty of this sweet little treat is that it’s a recipe you can make from a well-stocked pantry. And even better: you can easily substitute with other pantry ingredients. For example, no dates in

Protein Powder vs. Real Food – Who’s the Winner?

In the spinning wheel of life, it just feels so convenient to grab a protein shaker and get the important nutrients quic