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Julia Sullivan


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How to Order Healthy Food When You’re at a Restaurant

Life is about so much more than a lunch box with the perfect ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats.  Life is about travel,

Organic Blooms For Your Beloved

Many of us conscientiously seek out organic food products—but what about that bouquet of flowers we add to the grocery basket on a whim? Flowers bring good things to our lives; making sure they’re org

What to Eat for Breakfast When You Wake Up Feeling Bloated

Even if you eat well and meet your fitness and wellness goals, sometimes a perfectly justifiable meal out or an indulgen

The Magic of Dance

As ancient as fire, dance has always been a part of human culture. It’s at the core of rituals and celebrations all over the globe. Everyone can benefit from experiencing the heartbeat of dance, espec

Make a Healthy Dinner in a Snap

When it comes to putting nutritious, great-tasting food on the table, 90 percent of the work is just getting the groceri