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Josie Padro


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How to Create a Foolproof Meal Plan for Healthy Eating

Whenever I tell people I am a registered dietitian who works with private clients, people assume I hand out meal plans a

Do You Really Know What Trans Fat Is and Why It Is so Bad?

More and more research proves that healthy fats are an absolute necessity for a sharp mind and a strong body. But it's a

6 Simple Tips for Creating New Habits That Actually Last

Creating new habits that last a lifetime is tricky business no matter what realm of human experience we are discussing.

You, Exercise, and Diabetes

Exercise can help diabetics keep their blood glucose levels under control. A balance of cardio and resistance training is beneficial to everyone, diabetic or not.Today more than 9 million Canadians ar

How to Order Healthy Food When You’re at a Restaurant

Life is about so much more than a lunch box with the perfect ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats.  Life is about travel,