Home Authors Posts by Joey Shulman, DC, RNCP

Joey Shulman, DC, RNCP


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This Post About Two Very Different Responses to Stress Will Make You Feel Seen

Imagine you've been hit with a work deadline that can be described as "challenging" or, more accurately, "freakin' ridic

2 Big Truths About Food I Learned in the Whole Life Challenge

The other night, my brother and his wife were in town from Seattle and I met them for dinner in New York City. By the ti

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is emerging as a beneficial tool in managing health and reducing the risk of metabolic and chronic diseases. The latest research reveals that it is not just the abstinence that co

It’s the Food: Why We Gain Weight

Physics states that if you move more, you burn more calories, and if you burn more calories, you lose unwanted pounds. T

Why You Need to Stop Drinking Soda (for Good)

Shortly after my divorce, I took a year off from drinking alcohol. Though it had never been a problem in my life, it occ