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Jessie Quinn


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Why You Should Question Nutrition Research and What Happened in 1980

There was a time when the words of moms and grandmothers ruled the nutritional roost. For the most part, their advice bo

Tropical Topical

Unrefined, nutrient-rich shea butter offers many benefits for the skin and hair. It has been used to heal dry, itchy, scaly skin or scalps. The butter may also be used to reduce the appearance of wrin

The Truth About Sports-Enhancing Supplements

Some sports-enhancing supplements can be beneficial, but others can be dangerous. Read on to learn the difference.Here’s the lowdown on the most popular sports supplements. Caffeine Claim: improves at

Face Winter Head On

We do a lot of things to prepare for the winter months–install storm windows, mount the car’s snow tires, dig out the snow shovel. Why not extend that same care to your skin? Here are some simple step

Is Fitness Killing You?

Youre being used. The 24-billion dollar fitness business is built on two platforms:There is something wrong with you tha