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Isabel Burton


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6 Healthy Ways to Feel Awesome in Time for Spring Break

During the cold weather months, it can be so nice to enjoy comfort foods and warm, flavorsome meals with friends and fam

5 Types of Negative People and How to Avoid Them

Have you ever come home from work or a social event and just felt so exhausted? And not because your meeting was held in

It’s the Food: Why We Gain Weight

Physics states that if you move more, you burn more calories, and if you burn more calories, you lose unwanted pounds. T

Lady Gaga's Latest Instagram Post Will Make You Want to Take Up Tennis

As she prepares to embark on her international summer stadium tour, the Chromatica Ball, Lady Gaga seems to be staying a

America's Most Popular National Parks Might Raise Their Entrance Fees to $70

Entrance fees to some of your favorite national parks may double in just a few months. The proposal created by National