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Faith Brar


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5 Totally Doable Ways to Age Well and Live Longer

Getting older is an inevitable and irreversible process. But while you have no control over your age, you can certainly

What Is a Pescatarian Diet and Is It Healthy?

Maybe youve heard the hype about plant-based eating but just cant commit to cutting so many foods out of your life. Or m

What You Need to Know About Fats, Carbs, Protein, and Your Goals

I work in a cubicle farm. Unique to my quad of cubicle-mates over the past two years is that each of us has run our own

What You Can Do About Lockdown Weight Gain

There was kind of a funny meme going around at the start of the lockdown for COVID-19. It was really only a half joke (i

How Fit For Us Is Aiming to Ensure Health and Wealth Equity Within Fitness

The year 2020 didn't just mark the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also a time of great social unrest stemming f