Home Authors Posts by Deena Kara Shaffer, PhD

Deena Kara Shaffer, PhD


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How to Mobilize Your Nerves and Why You Might Do It

Have you ever decided to start a mobility or movement program, only to come to a frustrating halt when told to avoid any

This Assault Bike Workout Will Leave You Feeling Seriously Strong

We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best products—learn more aboutour process. If you buy someth

Protect Your Skin and the Environment

You’re heading out—but did you remember your sunscreen? And did you remember to check the label on that sunscreen? Turns out a common sunscreen ingredient has been implicated in the destruction of cor

Feral Finds

Collecting our own wild foods can be empowering and enriching to both our lives and our diets. Learn the benefits of foraging, how to do it responsibly, and about a few great edibles you can seek out

What Is Love Bombing, Exactly?

You see it all the time in romantic movies and on TV: Two people meet, and one is more interested than the other. So, wh