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Dana Hudepohl


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Why is Water So Important, and How Much Should You Be Drinking?

More than anything else, your body is made of water. Water is one of the basic resources for your life. Just to function

This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet During Hip Thrusts

When you're first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how

Watch Shay Mitchell Knock Out a Strength-Building Pregnancy Workout

Shay Mitchell recently fit in a full-body workout with her trainer Kira Stokes, making light of some of the unique chall

What Are Sound Baths? Plus, the Healing Benefits of the Meditation

It's Monday morning and you're feeling stressed: Your to-do list is piling up, you realize you completely forgot to buy

Age-defying Muscles

As we get older, we lose muscle. You can stay strong by performing simple strength training exercises in the convenience of your own home. When recently asked about his experiences with getting older,