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Amanda Chatel


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Facing the New Year

What’s this? A miner’s headlamp on your forehead? You’ve just awakened to find a giant pimple there, and you know your skin was clear the night before. And it would appear on the same day as the big d

Red Velvet Cheesecake Smoothie Bowl

Grab a spoon (yes, a spoon!) and dig into this vibrant and refreshing smoothie bowl. It’s your answer to the 10-minute breakfast and getting in a veggie serving before noon. You can blend in either a

When You Should Be Eating if You Want to Lose Weight

There are so many aspects to eating for weight loss. What to eat is one aspect. How the body processes your food is also

How to Meditate: Step-By-Step Guide

When you hear the word meditation, what do you think of? Lots of Oms? Mountain tops? That it’s only for spiritualists an

How You Should Really Be Thinking About 'Cheat Days'

There's no satisfaction like a few bites of greasy pizza when you've been sticking to your healthy diet for the past mon