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Amanda Chatel


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How to Do an Amazing Upper Back and Shoulder Stretch

If you are dealing with chronic tension in the upper back and shoulders, give this upper back and shoulder stretch a try

Salmon Salad Boats

This recipe captures all the bright and fresh appeal of a salad in a pretty, portable bite. If you’d like to keep this appetizer vegetarian, simply forgo the salmon and stir in 1 1/2 cups (350 mL) coo

Winter Running

Winter running - the two words sound incompatible, but with proper planning and winter running gear, runners don\'t have to hang up their sneakers just because it\'s cold outside.In most parts of Canada

See Kate Upton Scale an Indoor Rock Climbing Wall

If you're looking for inspiration to switch up your workout routine, check out Kate Upton's Instagram. The actress conti

All the Little Ways Having a Pet Benefits Your Health

You do it because it’s your routine, or maybe you don’t do it because it’s become routine. Either way, you don’t enjoy working out anymore. It doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s make exercise great ag