2021 Verv Exclusive: How It Started & How It’s Going


March 2021! Can you believe we are over 3 months into the new year and one year into a global pandemic?! We sure can’t! As unbelievable (and a little bit frightening) that is, we’re proud to say we’ve survived this far – go us and all you guys out there too! That’s why it’s time to do a quick rewind and see how far we’ve come this year. Are we meeting our goals and aspirations? And how is it really going so far?

How it started

conference callDo you remember way back in February 2020? You know, when we first heard the terms lockdown, mask, and hand sanitizers and thought it’s just for two-weeks?! Now, they’re our everyday reality! And that’s ok. Because, despite the challenges stacked against us, we:

  • Brought back some fabulous trends. Drive through movies, anyone?!
  • Saw huge companies and communities came together to help each other out in times of need.
  • Witness pollution levels drop due to less burning of fossil fuels.
  • Made sure hand hygiene and keeping safe trended.
  • Let it all out on TikTok – and had some laughs too.
  • And most of all, we realized just how precious our health really is!

Of course, that’s not to say 2020 wasn’t difficult. Being separated from our loved ones, afraid for our health, staying in – all these had a significant effect on our physical and mental well-being, which we are still dealing with today.

That’s why, when New Year rolled around, we were filled once again with hope and aspirations to make 2021 a much better year than 2020. But what did that look like? What were our goals for the coming year?

2021: new year, new you?

Below you can check out some of the top wellness facts from a survey we did with over 2,000 Americans. Let’s look back and hit rewind and find out how it started for us in 2021.

Infographic for health habits

How it’s going?

Have you met your fitness and well-being goals, or have they fallen to the wayside? Either way, don’t worry. You are doing great! And really, it’s time we all just celebrated being alive right now. In 2020, we all started with the best of intentions, but stress, continuous lockdowns, and other factors caused us to falter. And this is entirely natural.

But you made it to 2021! You did it! And now that you’ve given yourself a massive pat on the back, let’s get back on track. For those who are finding the on-going lockdowns a challenge and dream of a brighter future, we’ve got some top tips to get you back to your wellness goals. Right here.

Top tips for getting back on track

yoga kids1.Look after you

This past year has been challenging for all of us. So, don’t be so hard on yourself. In fact, it might actually be time for a bit of self-care. Right now, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, trapped, or anxious that this is never going to end – it will – but for now, it’s time to grab half an hour, slip into the tub, turn on the tunes and just relax. No news. No social media. Just you and the water.

2.Take that break

If, like many of us, you’ve been putting off taking a holiday from work and waiting for when travel is possible again. Reconsider. Even if you can’t go abroad, you still need the rest. Grab yourself a mini-break or long weekend and concentrate on your health and well-being. Do something you enjoy, practice a hobby, and switch up that routine.

3.Get your work-life balance on track

Does it seem like your workday never ends? Are you living Groundhog Day again and again? Stop! In lockdown, our work-life balance took a swing for the worse. By now, that work-from-home euphoria of PJs and Zoom has long worn off, and many of us are struggling. That’s why it’s time to hit reset on your schedule, set some rules, and get back to you.

4.Talk it out

Life in lockdown can be lonely. We miss our friends. We mourn for our old lives. And that’s totally normal. What’s not is keeping it all in. Instead, pick up the phone and talk it out. After all, we all need a sympathetic ear from time to time.

5.Make fitness a priority

Gained weight during the coronavirus crisis? You’re not alone, no matter what inspiring YouTube videos might make you think. On average, people have reported an increase in between 1.6lbs to 6.5lbs in body weight. Eak! But now is not the time to give up. Instead, it’s time to take action. Find an activity you enjoy and do it. Love walking? Do it! Is running your jam? Get out there! Brought the kids a trampoline? Use it! Whatever it is that gets you moving, do it – every step counts.

6.Don’t give up on your diet

We’re all snacking more. That cupboard is too tempting. But before you resign yourself to a life of poor diet habits. It’s time to make some changes. Small ones. Plan your snacking carefully by buying healthier snacks and putting them in place you look. After all, if your apple is hidden behind a chocolate bar, are you really going to look that hard?

5.Rock it! Own it! And remember, you’re awesome!

No one is perfect, but we are all doing the best we can. So, even it seems nothing is going to plan right now, don’t worry. Take a deep breath and repeat, “I am awesome!” Because you are. As humans, we are living through incredibly difficult times, and every second we survive is incredible. You are rocking it!

The future?

Unfortunately, we don’t have a magic crystal to tell us the future. But if you have one, send it over. However, we are absolutely certain that there are better days ahead. Until we get there, we at hope you’re keeping safe and well and look forward to helping you on your wellness journey.


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