What Is Love Bombing, Exactly?


What Is Love Bombing? , Young Lesbian Couple Embracing with heart background and sparks

You see it all the time in romantic movies and on TV: Two people meet, and one is more interested than the other. So, what happens? The more interested person relentlessly pursues (and violates the other person’s boundaries) until they fall in love, and it’s chalked up to the super romantic, passionate nature of “true love.”

What to Do If You Think There's Love Bombing In Your Relationship

If you just read this article and it hit a little too close to home, here are some next steps to take.

First, name it. Either admit to yourself you are love bombing or being love bombed. It might sound simple, but it's the first step in seeking help.

If you aren’t in therapy, start.This goes for the person doing the love bombing or the person being love bombed. And be honest: The only way to navigate this situation is to be transparent with your therapist.

If you think you're a love bomber, remember: You're not a bad person for having unresolved trauma that manifests itself in ways that hurt people, but it is your job to work on healing those traumas and toxic patterns.

If you are being love bombed, talk with your therapist about healthy and safe ways to get out of the relationship. (More here: Why You Might Feel ‘Stuck’ In a Relationship — and How to Know When to End It)


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