Peloton's Robin Arzón Is Taking Her Postpartum Recovery Routine Very Seriously



“I have not always been a recovery pro,” says ultramarathoner, Peloton star, and new mother Robin Arzón. “I learned the hard way,” she says. “When I was training for my first 50-mile ultramarathon, I thought more volume; I thought more for the sake of more was better. My central nervous system was so taxed by all the volume that I started to actually lose the love of running, and that was a huge wake up call.”

This lesson came front and center yet again during Arzón's journey through pregnancy and post-natal recovery.

"Now that I'm back to the hustle, trying to recover and reclaim and rebuild after pregnancy — picking up weights again, doing sprints again — my body is getting reactivated. So I'm sore, and it's humbling, because I'm sore using weights that are much lighter than even what I used when I was pregnant." (

Arzón is also a fan of lymphatic drainage massage and dry brushing, which may help recovery by increasing circulation and flushing out waste products (though the scientific jury is still out).

Her Recovery Motto: “Take the Two Minutes”

Make the time, and be consistent. Don't overcomplicate it. "Take the two minutes at the end of the workout; don't exit the workout early — I have been guilty of doing this! Your capacity for greatness will increase if you invest in those moments of self care, recovery, and treating your body like a temple. It's the only home we have."


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